
Showing posts from March, 2023

The Evil that Lurks Within

Rick Lambert walked into the executive conference room holding his binder in one hand and a cup of coffee in the other. He greeted the three people already sitting at the foot of the oblong, mahogany table that filled the room. “Good morning,” he said, as he settled into the seat at the other side of the table, “thanks for coming in today.” Across the table to his left sat Jen Morillo, a serious looking woman in her late thirties, her dirty blonde hair tied back in a bun, and wearing a cream-colored pantsuit. A slight smile curled the sides of her tight lips and she briefly looked up at Rick, but then went back to the paper she was staring at before he came in. To her left, Gary Williams sat in his three-piece charcoal gray suit, looking a bit nervous as he fidgeted with his pen with his right hand. This was his first big professional job interview at 25, and he was immaculately groomed, with his thick, straight black hair combed back, glistening with hair gel. You could smell h...