The Last Rose
The knife went in just below the sternum. This was lower than he intended. The idea was to sever the aorta which meant a quick death. Now Tony had to do what he hated; twist the knife. This was effective but widened the incision resulting in a blood bath and a long cleanup operation. He felt the life oozing out of his target as he fell to the floor, the blood gushing out in spurts as the heart finished its final beats. Tony pulled the cell phone out of his pocket. Hey, Johnny. Your problem is gone but it’s not as clean as I would have liked. I’m going to need a cleanup crew. I have the best. When they finish the cops won’t find a trace of blood anywhere. What is this gonna cost me? Usually 12 grand, but for you Johnny only 10. Ok, get it done. Tony hung up and put the phone back in his pocket after carefully wiping it down with the Kleenex he always kept in his back pocket. He didn’t usually think much about a job after he finished, but this time was different. May...