
Showing posts from October, 2020

Eggs Over Easy at the Existential Diner

Liam peered over his half glasses at the menu, squinting as he struggled to read the special of the day. “I’m surprised this menu is so long”, I mused. “Restaurants are all shortening their menus in response to studies that customers are more satisfied when presented by fewer choices. People get overwhelmed with too many choices. Liam looked puzzled. “Don’t people want more choices?” “Yes, they say they do”, I agreed. “But when you ask how satisfied they are, they are happier with fewer choices. People are not good judges of what will make them happy. The older I get, the more I realize how right Sartre was when he said ‘Man is condemned to be free’. Maybe I can save you some time by recommending the pancakes, eggs, and sausages.” Liam furrowed his eyebrows and looked deep in thought. “What about scientists who say that everything is determined. Maybe we aren’t as free as we think?” “The scientists are correct about inanimate objects. You can predict the location of a...